We Love you Luigi!
Luigi you’re the greatest man I have ever encountered in my whole life. I hope you receive more letters so that you know how many people admires you and supports you. Stay strong Luigi!! WE LOVE YOU!
you’ve changed my life I LOVE U LULU
I'd wager most of the country is behind you. You are very loved. I plan on writing a letter, I think my kids and husband will too, to show our support. You're a good man. Hold your head high.
LUIGI you are a true example of courage and resilience
We love you Luigi we are still here and rooting for you.
Folk hero
LUIGI I will always support you DE
Luigi, may Your action be the first stone of an avalanche to come.
Such a hero for so many! Thanks Luigi we wish you the best!
stay strong luigi. You have'nt done anything wrong.
I Wish you was my boyfriend I wish you the best of luck
He's the match to the flame that is this oligarchy
The hero i need
Been sending you cards without a full return address! You probably didn't get them!! I am sorry, will do better because I believe in you!
Free you Bae. You did NOTHING WRONG.
Love from Tunisia <3
Free Luigi!!!!
Luigi has opened people’s eyes to the corruption of this system. Your sacrifice will not be in vain. Things are in motion, and this empire will crumble.
You had everything to lose. Yet you acted like a man with nothing to lose. This is true courage.
You are literally one in a billion.
Please Luigi come in Italy, me and our friends group will welcome you gratefully!
You are a true hero
You’re awesome my guy
Good work brother. Stay strong
Luigi thank you for bringing focus to this important issue, stay strong so many people care about you.
Luigi you're a hero no matter what, I'm so sick and tired of how this world is set up and we need a complete overhaul, thank you.
We love and support you Luigi <3 You are a hero!
Luigi, you are Americas hero!
free luigi, he did nothing wrong
Mario says he wishes you well
you've encouraged so many people to fight hard against the people keeping us in chains!! you will never be forgotten <3
Stay Strong XO
Tiocfaidh ár lá big man you'll never what alone
Guy named Mario here, stay strong
Thank you for bringing the conversation for a better world to the for front
stay strong cutie
- gnarlyier
Hope you don’t go to jail ❤️
Hope to see you out soon friend. Thank you for shaking up America. ❤️
hello, How are you doing in prison? Life should be okay, right. I have nothing to say, I wish you well
we love you lulu!!
absolute king free my boy
Major love from the UK! I hope the US let's you go free. Your actions were completely reasonable and justified, ngl.
Thank you for fighting for our future <3
if you didn’t do it, then you did nothing wrong and you’re being held unjustly. if you DID do it, then you did nothing wrong and you’re being held unjustly. either way, you have my support ❤️❤️
we love you luigi!!
Hey Luigi. Ive been in chronic pain for two years now. I cried when I heard you were dealing with pain too. Idk man...it's a cruel world we live in but somehow your story gives me hope. Thank you for that.
Luigi be strong stay positive youve got this xo
Hi Luigi, we really want to see you again! Hope you are doing well! And I believe there are nothing could beat you down, keep on fighting!
You are a voice for this generation! We stand with you Luigi.
Luigi hope your well you are in my prayers d
We won't forget you! Stay strong
free luigi and let him hit da quan
Praying for you release, Luigi xo
hes MY man
stay strong!
You are loved by many, Luigi ❤️
i need him so bad
We are pressed on every side by troubles,but we are not crushed or broken. We are perplexed but we won’t give up and quit. We are hunted down but God never abandons us. We get knocked down, but we get back up and keep going~Nicky B
Luigi is a modern hero! ❤
I hope you are doing well as can be expected. I wish your freedom very soon
Praying for you Luigi! We love you
Comrades! The fight starts with Luigi but with him it will not end! Let his match light our collective fuses, and let the explosion of a lifetime fill the eyes of the rich oppressors!
Dear Luigi, we are praying for you. Be strong! You are not alone, we Americans love you ❤
Hi :D
Sending love and support
I am praying for you to be kept safe.
free luigi! he's innocent, shame on nyc for keeping an innocent man behind bars and for the blatant humiliation ritual they conducted. i pray for nothing but his release and safety
Thank you Luigi
"Do not fear fuilure but rather fear not trying." -Roy T. Bennett
Thank you sir
Luigi, you are in our hearts! May you be well, stay strong. X
Good job Luigi, we pray for your safety.
I wish the best for you, Luigi. Stay safe 💕
The truth will come to light. Many people see the injustice and stand with you. You are not alone! We love you, you are a true hero.
To Luigi, thank you so much for being a hero of the people. I'm rooting for you!!
This world needs more people like you, Luigi. Thank you. We’re all behind you.
LUIGI stay strong
Time Square BillBoard
Put up a billboard for Luigi in Time Square
Target Date
Friday, Feb 21
NY State Court Hearing
Billboard Design/Concept
Vote for your favorite with your donation
Glucose Guardians
Help us pay for the billboard
Street Team & Keyboard Warriors
Spread the word online and IRL
Add any graphics to this shared folder for others to use
Graphic Library
For More Info
Mission Details
News By Jurisdiction
NY State
Next Hearing: Thurs, June 26 @ 9a
Where: 100 Centre St NY, NY
PA State
no court date scheduled currently, awaiting results of the pre-trial motion lulu's lawyer filed
Indictment Deadline: Wed, March 19
Direct from Lulu's Lawyers
get info on his cases including transcripts from court
Send Luigi a Letter
Luigi Mangione (52503-511)
MDC Brooklyn
Metropolitan Detention Center
PO BOX 329002
Brooklyn, NY 11232
Upcoming Court Dates:
3/19: Federal Indictment Deadline
6/26: NY State Hearing
black moon for luigi
Dec 30, 2024
leverage this upcoming rare Black Moon to send some magic to our dear Luigi
Host a Letter Writing Party for you and your friends
Do a spell or new moon ritual for Luigi
Meditate on Luigi's impact on this world
Pray for Luigi's protection and health
Spread the word that he is loved and supported
Money On his Books
You can add money to Luigi's commissary account through Western Union, Moneygram, and USPS
Instructions for sending money:
Legal Defense Fund
fundraiser that will be dispersed to Luigi’s attorney, Thomas Dickey, who will be handling the various expenses associated with the legal defense of the three pending criminal cases
Pro tip
"based on my prison book sending experience, write that inmate Number {...} big on your letter, sometimes those people can't read. And keep your papers clean (no cum, snot, etc, bc they throw out anything that looks like it could be "drugs")" - u/nohairnowhere
Official BOP Policy
First class mail is distributed Monday through Friday (except holidays)
All incoming inmate general correspondence envelopes and paper must be white in color
Stickers may be removed from the envelope at any time
General correspondence may be copied to include greeting cards, inmates will be provided the photocopied correspondence and will not be provided the original.
All contraband to include non-white envelopes or written paper, glitter, stickers, lipstick, perfume, is stained or contains an oily substance will be rejected in accordance with policy.
Plain white paper (no embossed or embroidered)
Black or blue pen or pencil (no marker, gell pen, glitter pen, watercolors)
simple printed pic (no Polaroid)
Yes to games (w/ key)
Include your name and return address
Yes you can if you're international
DON'T talk current events
No care packages
How to mail a letter
write your letter to Luigi. Keep it simple with white paper and blue or black ink. Use your own discretion with content.reminder this is considered contraband. Do not send or it will be rejected.
non-white envelopes or written paper
glitter, stickers, lipstick, perfume
is stained or contains an oily substance
Luigi receives photocopied versions of letters sent to him so date and number the pages. Sometimes, the edges of pages may be omitted when letters are photocopied so make sure you have large margins
insider lore: talked w/ my prison books friend, He thinks that any erotica/porn/other sex shit you write will be fine, but violence, things that indicate that you might be conspiring with him, or trying to copy him, will get you put on a watch list and would mean your letter will not go through.
Get an envelope of any size. The bigger and heavier the envelope, the more expensive it will be to ship.tip: the older the adult, the more likely they will have a giant box of letter mailing envelopes sitting in their home.
In the top left corner of the envelope (side without the flap), put your name and address in the following format:Your Name
Street Address
City, State Zip Code
[country if you are international]get a mail forwarding service or po box if you don't want to use your home addressTowards bottom middle of the envelope, address the letter to Luigi like the following:Luigi Mangione (52503-511)
MDC Brooklyn
Metropolitan Detention Center
PO BOX 329002
Brooklyn, NY 11232Fold up your letter and put it inside the envelope. Seal the envelope, use tape when necessary.
In the top right corner of the envelope, stick your stamps. How many you need depends on the size and weight of your envelope. Put the stamped envelope into your mailbox and raise the flag to let your mail person know you have mail for them to collect.If you do not have stamps, you will need to go to the post office. Hand your letter to the mail person behind the counter and they will weigh your letter and print a stamp on the spot for it, stick it onto your letter, and add it to their mail collector bin. Pay for the stamps and leave.Note: Forever Stamps are worth $0.73 currently. In general, 1 Forever Stamp will mail a 1oz letter. about 10 sheets of paper = 1 Forever Stamp
got something to say?
join private group chat
About MDC Brooklyn
where Luigi is held in NY
Metropolitan Detention Center is the only federal detention center in New York and has been described as a "rat infested trash dump" and "hell on earth"
Be Prepared
plagued with so many severe problems, some judges have refused to send people there
more than 700 backlogged maintenance requests
at least 4 detainees self-unalived in past 3 years
at least 6 staff members charged with crimes in last 5 years
Source: PBS News
Monday Dec 23, 2024
SPREAD THE WORDLuigi is expected in New York State Supreme Court on Monday for his arraignment. He needs to see our love and support!The time hasn't been announced & we doubt they will tell us because they don't want people to show up. so PLSSSSS those who plan on going, be there early!! They open at 9 but it's Luigi so they might try to sneak him earlier. Be Early.
Be Prepared
Have posters and signs ready
Wear layers and stay warm
Have plenty of water and snacks
Thermos with hot cocoa and tea
Our boyfriend needs us. Show up for what you believe in.
Luigi Mangione (52503-511)
MDC Brooklyn
Metropolitan Detention Center
PO BOX 329002
Brooklyn, NY 11232Upcoming Court Dates:
3/19: Federal Indictment Deadline
6/26: NY State Hearing